Our Mission Action Plan for 2023

In order to move us closer to achieving the fulfilment of the diocesan vision for 2026, each year we produce an action plan that sets out how we intend to work towards the aims of being a healthy church that can reach out and transform our community in Clitheroe. This year, as we currently have no vicar, our focus is maintaining a healthy church that continues to reach out to those in Clitheroe who have not heard or have not believed the life-giving message of Jesus Christ, and this plan sets out what we aim to do, with God’s help, to achieve this and how we’re going about it.

If you have any ideas or suggestions to add to the plan, please tell any of these people:

David & Patricia



Ken & Howard

Healthy Churches Transforming Communities

Mission/Vision Action Plan


Parish:St Mary Magdalene Deanery:Whalley Date:30/11/2022


The Church of England in Lancashire desires to make the Good News about Jesus Christ more widely known, because we believe:

  • He is the One who brings ‘life in all its fullness’
  • Healthy church communities have a positive and transformative impact on our society

We will work together to achieve this by:

  • Making disciples of Jesus Christ
  • Being witnesses to Jesus Christ
  • Growing leaders for Jesus Christ

We will prioritize work: among children, young people and schools to raise up a new generation for Christ

Stage 0: Desire

Our (prayerful)


“Why are we doing this?”


It is our mission – what we are here to do.

Stage1: Review



“Isn’t it good that…”


We have a core of faithful churchgoers

Our congregation includes children

Many parishioners volunteer

We have Children’s Church on Thursday, a fortnightly Ladies’ Group, a weekly teleconference prayer group and Beavers, Cubs and Scouts uniformed organizations.

2 services are now held in church on Sundays and the church is open for private prayer every day.

Virtual Morning Prayer is streamed every weekday morning by the Vicar and is available thereafter through the church’s website.

We have an active link person to the Clitheroe Christians in Partnership (CCP) Forum and their planned events.

We have a strong music and choral tradition.


Our Weaknesses

“Isn’t it a pity that…”


Many parishioners don’t volunteer and we have unfilled gaps in rota and groups

We depend on a small pool of clergy and lay people to do almost everything.

More of our congregation is older rather than younger, and this has made access to online worship difficult for some.

We lack adults in their late twenties to early forties.

Toast & Jam children’s Sunday groups have not been meeting..

Our Opportunities

“Wouldn’t it be good if …”


We could get continuing help to staff our Toddler Group which has recently restarted with a fixed-term leader.

We could engage with more CCP partnership events.

Our Mission Values

What influences and motivates us …


Our shared beliefs

Our love for God

Our care for the unchurched and those who have drifted away from the Church

Our commitment to local church partnership to transform the community

Last MAP



Any lessons learnt?


Priority 1: A screen and digital display system has now been installed, and has been used for several secular events which brought many non-churchgoers into the building. Its use in worship is also being developed. (Making disciples & being witnesses to Jesus Christ)

2: A second churchwarden has been appointed. (Growing leaders for Jesus Christ)

3. A free-to-call teleconference Prayer Group has provided continuance of prayer specifically for people and things on a weekly basis (Being witnesses). A method of preserving Prayer Requests left on the noticeboard in Church and allowing those requesting prayer to renew that request if desired has been set up. (Making disciples)

4. We have sold the Institute behind St Mary’s Centre, and hope that the proceeds will secure the future of the Centre, an important community resource for the whole of Clitheroe and a significant part of our mission to prioritize work among children (through, for example, the St Mary’s Toddler Group) and young people (through uniformed organizations and provision of a safe, well-maintained environment for other children’s and young people’s activities, clubs and societies.  (Being witnesses & Making disciples)


Lessons learned: 1&4. Patience. Developing funding for this installation, the obtaining of a Faculty for it and the setup process took a long time. Likewise, the sale of the derelict Institute took years.

2. The importance of a systematic plan as to how we determine what personnel we need and who approaches them, and also how we draw people in and move them into leadership roles without frightening them off.

3. The difficulty of gaining support and acceptance for new styles of worship. For example, fewer people join the teleconference prayer group than belonged to its previous physical incarnation, probably because of a lack of understanding about how the teleconference works or a feeling of greater exposure in praying individually aloud instead of being led in prayer by the meeting’s leader.


Last MAP Actions not completed

Any lessons learnt?







d) Actively support the CCP Ribble Valley Youth Ministry project (Being witnesses/Making disciples and Growing leaders)

Enabling continued outreach through CCP events such as Joint Christingle, Town BBQ and Remembrance events (Being witnesses/ Making disciples)

Lessons learned:

Although we have a committed and active CCP link, and carry their monthly prayer theme in our magazine and on our website, he needs more helpers from our congregation if these aspirations are to be met.


Stage 2: Discern

Our Purpose Statement

Our purpose/reason to be here.

“To be a growing community that seeks to know and follow Jesus, sharing the Good News”.


Our Vision Statement

How we would like to be described 5 years from now.


A growing, welcoming community of Christ, in which everyone has a place and plays a part.




Our Priority Goals

A maximum of 3 for this next year.

Are they helping with::Making disciples

Being witnesses

Growing leaders,

work among children, young people and schools, or

an ‘enabler’ eg changes to buildings?


Goal                                                             Vision theme/enabler

  1. a) Building on the Vicar’s high level of outreach work during the coming interregnum through a programme of continuing events and invitational services to inspire those within the church and draw those outside it closer (Making disciples & Being witnesses)


  1. Finding personnel to lead services and events during the interregnum and equipping them for the task. (Growing leaders)


3.    Developing sufficient IT skills and training to use the digital systems in church among the laity during the interregnum, so that the on-line congregation established over the past three years (YouTube Morning Prayer, for example) and outside the church building (maintaining the church website and the benefice’s ‘A Church Near You’ homepage) can be sustained and enhanced. (Making disciples/ Being witnesses)

Stage 3: Plan


For each of the priority goals: What – define the precise action Who – who is responsible? When – target completion date Help – what external help is needed (eg from the diocese, ecumenical partners?) 

Stage 3: Plan

What (Actions)? Who? When? Help?




Plan programme of continuing events and invitational services to inspire those within the church and draw those outside it closer. Implement this during the interregnum. (Making disciples/ Being witnesses) PCC & Mission & Ministry Team

Parish Volunteers

Prayer Group

First MMT & PCC meetings of 2023



Appoint a committee from PCC to organize this.







Find personnel to lead services and events during the interregnum and equipping them for the task. (Growing leaders)

PCC; Churchwardens

Vision Champions


Prayer Group

In place for January 2023 Deanery/Diocese




Develop sufficient IT skills and training to use the digital systems in church among the laity during the interregnum, so that the on-line congregation established over the past three years (YouTube Morning Prayer, for example) and outside the church building (maintaining the church website and the benefice’s ‘A Church Near You’ homepage) can be sustained and enhanced. (Making disciples/ Being witnesses)


Vision Champions

Prayer Group

Already begun- completion as early as possible in 2023 Diocese

Diocesan Communications Manager

Other volunteers








How we are supporting our MAP in prayer  

Prayer Group; anyone; every Wednesday 7.30pm

Intercessions; intercessor; every Sunday



Date MAP published:  __30___/__11     /   2022  _    


How we are sharing our MAP with others?


Anyone; via blog on website; by end of December 2022

Subscribers and wider community; parish magazine; 1st January 2023


When will your MAP be reviewed?  _PCC meeting_   /_11___/  2023 __

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